Friday, July 30, 2010

Show # 19

Show # 19: Brainwash, San Francisco, CA. Last night was pretty damn awesome! First off, on the way down there, I got a call from my Uncle Gary and basically got booked to do a show for the Wolcott family reunion in October. So that's gonna be awesome! I'm going to have to come up with a LOT of really clean material now. Also, my friend Amber joined me on the comedy trail last night, which made me enormously happy. Charlie Ballard was hosting for Tony Sparks, which was different, but cool. I love watching Charlie. He, very good naturedly, makes people as awkward as humanly possible, and its hilarious. But Tony was there, and he even did a set. And my set went pretty well. I was next to last, and there only about 15 people left in the room, but I got some pretty good laughs. So yeah, another good night, I guess. Seems a little repetitive, if you ask me. Later.

Favorite line of the night: "I have rule. I never fake my stutter, or my orgasms, no matter how long either one of those takes." - Nina G

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