Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Show # 5

Nick's Crispy Tacos, San Francisco, CA - Tonight started out rough. Just getting there involved a plan C, I think it was. Once I finally got there, and the show finally started, things got better. The room itself is organized and run by the very funny Travis Curry. And its hosted by Tony Sparks, so winner winner chicken dinner. Inside, the whole place is deep red and it looks like a taco truck crashed into the front of a burlesque bar. I went up 8th or 9th out of around 20. And I got some laughs from a crowd that hadn't really been laughing that much. And I tried a few new jokes that went over pretty well, I think. So that was cool. And a few moments of note on and off stage as well tonight. One, I busted out the horny parakeet for the first time on a comedy stage tonight. And two, just as I was leaving, Tony Sparks asked me if I've ever done any hosting. I told him I'd done a little (once) hosting. He said he wants to see me work a little more but he might have some work for me. So, very interesting indeed. I'm gonna talk to him on Thursday and tell him about my hosting of the D4A! shows as well. Who knows what can happen? Next show: Tomorrow night. I'm either gonna go to Tommy T's in Sac or plan B, go into the city again and see what I can find.
I should thank my friends Chris and Jenn for letting me borrow their car for the week! Yeah! So thanks, Chris and Jenn!
Alright. I'm gonna go to bed now. Later.

Favorite line of the night: "I asked God the difference between him and me. And he said, 'Nobody believes in you.' " - Vladimir Khylil

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