Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Show # 9

Pepperbelly's, Fairfield, Ca: Tonight was good. I didn't think it was gonna be all day. In fact I really didn't feel like going to the comedy club tonight. I forgot to email Victor on Monday so I thought I'd have to go up really late. I was really tired all day, didn't real feel like telling jokes. But I got there and during role call, nobody was taking the early spots so I went up 4th. I was polishing my masturbation material tonight(teehee) and it really worked tonight. Heather said she thought I was the first comic tonight to warm up the crowd. So yeah, I always feel a certain sense of accomplishment when I know I'm not feeling it, but I still get up and I still get laughs. Makes me feel like a real comic. Then Heather went up 11th and had a really good set, then we were both pretty tired so we peaced-out quick after she got done. So tomorrow night I gotta bring my A game at the Brainwash. I don't know why. Tony said he couldn't tell us last week why we had too, but he definitely said to bring our best stuff. So I will, and we'll see what happens. I'm off to my bed now. Later.

Favorite line of the night: "I wanna see that pizza walk up here again. Then when you grab it, a midget appears." - Steve Danner

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